Sunday 27 November 2011

What does the 'Ayn' in Hoor al Ayn mean?

وَحُورٌ عِينٌ
And Hoorun '

(Quran Surah al Waqi'ah 56:22)


- used for beautiful and good things:

A Water spring gushing out with water is beautiful and is called 'Ayn' (especially for the Arab who lives in the dry desert.)

- The eye - sheds a tear (moist).

- Anything that looks good - the arab would call it Ayn.

- The arabs would call horses -
ayn in their poetry.

- Even al hoor ul
'Ayn [the women of Paradise] are called that because they are beautiful to look at.

The word
'ayn usually has a very positive meaning of that which is 'extremely pleasing to the eye'. 

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