Sunday 27 November 2011

Indeed, for the righteous is success (Surah Naba' 78: 31-33)

Indeed, for the righteous is success - (Surah Naba' 78: 31-33)

Imagine you've just won.. you've got the Ultimate prize, the ultimate success. What is it?

Gardens and grapevines

You look around you, and there's beautiful scenery and tasty food everywhere. Whatever you want, you can take and eat without worry or fear.

And full-breasted [companions] of equal age

Even though this is a wife you have in Paradise, her physical description is emphasised more. Beautiful, and a similar age to you. Just right.  

Have you ever wondered why the Western media depicts men sitting on thrones and a beautiful women giving him grapes in his mouth? It's because they are copying of the beautiful description of Jannah described in the Qur'an.

So next time you see the description of Paradise in the Qur'an, imagine the whole scene being described and imagine being there. O Allah,  make us the people of your Jannah, ameen!

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